program notes by composition > b > Broadway Journey: 25 Years of Golden Classics

Broadway Journey: 25 Years of Golden Classics

Arranged by James Christensen

Broadway Journey: 25 Years of Golden Classics This medley contains a dozen popular show tunes from the mid-20th century:

  1. Anything Goes
  2. It Ain’t Necessarily So
  3. It’s De-Lovely
  4. My Funny Valentine
  5. Oklahoma!
  6. How Are Things in Glocca Morra
  7. Another Op’nin’, Another Show
  8. Some Enchanted Evening
  9. Getting to Know You
  10. Stranger in Paradise
  11. On The Street Where You Live
  12. Let Me Entertain You

James Christensen (1935–2020) was a prolific conductor, arranger, and composer with over 400 published works. He was a frequent guest conductor with symphonic orchestras. For twelve years he served as music director for both Disneyland and Walt Disney World.