Support PCB

The Palatine Concert Band is organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational institution. Although players are unpaid volunteers, the band incurs expenses for music, large instrument repair, guest artists, professional leadership and general operating expenses. Like most arts organizations, the band cannot survive on revenue from admission fees alone. Several sources provide support:

The Palatine Park District provides stable administrative and facilities support, for which the band is most grateful.

Illinois Arts Council General Operating Support grant.

Concertgoers support the band through their admission fees, as well as their enthusiasm and encouragement, which are essential for an artistic organization to flourish.

Friends of the Band : contributions and grants from private individuals are essential to keep alive the tradition of Music in the Community. Donors during the most recent twelve months include:

Sam Agnello
Michael Labowicz
Steve Pattengale

Donations are gratefully acknowledged with a letter and a tax receipt.