concert repertoire > 2007 concerts > November 11 2007
November 11, 2007
Ronald H. Polancich, conductor
Cutting Hall, Palatine
Celebration Overture
— Paul Creston, Op. 61
— Jean Sibelius / arr. Lucien Cailliet
William Byrd Suite
— William Byrd / trans. Gordon Jacob
- The Earle of Oxford's Marche
- Pavana
- Jhon Come Kisse Me Now
- The Mayden's Song
- Wolsey's Wilde
- The Bell
Selections from "Les Misérables"
— arr. Warren Barker
Bayou Breakdown
— Brant Karrick
Jericho Rhapsody
— Morton Gould
Americans We — Henry Fillmore / arr. Frederick Fennell
Americans We — Henry Fillmore / arr. Frederick Fennell